David Bautista as Drax the Destroyer



Drax the Destroyer: A silent, physical, green-skinned brute type, who (in the comic books) died as a human and was later resurrected as, essentially, a biological weapon with one purpose: to hunt down and kill Thanos. David Bautista: “Drax the Destroyer is a pretty bad dude. He’s full of rage and full of honor. He’s very literal. The best thing about Drax is he’s hysterical without meaning to be. I think that’s what I love the most about Drax.” [Acting] is new to me, but I still go to work and I’m a student at this and I’m not afraid to let people know this is new to me. I’m still learning and I’m not afraid to go up to people and pick their brains and ask for advice because to me, that’s how you get better. That’s how I got better at everything I’ve ever done – don’t be too proud to ask for help. I’m learning a lot every day on this project from the cast, from the director, from the crew–even the film’s producers. Just learning, learning. That’s what it’s all about.” For more on Drax the Destroyer, click here.

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